The Orchard


The Orchard, at the bottom of the Gardens, is filled with rows of Cornish apple trees. Started in 2012, the Orchard is now almost fully established and will be providing grafting materials for generations to come.

The apple trees are planted in rows that run from north to south to allow for maximum  sunlight to ripen the fruit.

Surrounding the orchard is a native hedge of hornbeam Carpinus betulus, providing shelter from the wind and making the orchard a beautiful suntrap for visitors to relax and have picnics in the summer.

The apples trees currently growing in the orchard include dessert apples such as ‘Cornish Aromatic’ and ‘Cornish Honey Pin’ as well as types of cider apples including ‘Captain Broad’ and ‘Tan Harvey’.


The trees are open-centred bush trees grafted on MM106 rootstock. There are three trees of each variety; some were rather hard to find, which is why the orchard has taken some time to establish. Recently we have been able to collect apples from the orchard and are hoping to be able to use the apples to produce an Enys apple juice in the future.

There were previously several apple orchards on the Enys estate, but these have since disappeared due to a lack of maintenance and the age of the trees.

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