The Broadwalk


This area was developed in 2014/2015 and the Summerhouse renovated in 2015. The idea behind this project is to extend the period of flowering interest in the garden.

The herbaceous border is set in front of the west wall of the Walled Garden (built in Elvin stone) and is roughly 100 foot in length. The walk is mostly sunny, with some shade over the part towards Parc Lye

The border has a main rhythm of consistent planting running the length of the walk, filled with purples and blues from spring to autumn .

Plant species include Libertia ‘Caerulescens’, which are evergreen clumps with linear leaves and blue flowers, Camassia bulbs that flower in spring, Geranium ‘Rozanne’ which is  a wonderful cultivar with enduring beautiful blue flowers flower and Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’ with its green and blue scented foliage.

All plants in this border are in cool colours, with the focus on blues, purples, white and silver.

The little thatched summer house at the end of the Broadwalk was renovated in 2015  and is the perfect spot to sit down and enjoy the colours before embarking on the walk through the Flower Gardens and Stumpery.

Since the renovation and development of the Broadwalk and Summerhouse, this area has become a popular spot  for couples celebrating their wedding day at Enys.

The Cornish Cross

Located near the Broadwalk,  you will find the wayside cross, which would orginally have stood beside a road, track or footpath to guide parishioners to church.

According to JD Enys the cross was sent up from the parish of Sancreed in West Penwith.

On the 13th of June 1848 the cross was set up on a modern stone base on top of the rockery where it remains today.  At the bottom of the rockery is an old granite apple press. Both features are surrounded by fern, native to New Zealand.

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